Jamboree on the Air and Internet
Jamboree on the Air and Internet Contact Scouts Locally & Globally by Radio & Internet.
- Use your Radio License and pick up patches.
- GAMES: Fox and Scavenger Hunts & Geocaching
- Learn about Radio and Emergency Preparedness
- Learn about Nova, STEM Merit Badges and Awards
- Get ready and you can take the FCC test or get signed off on MB
- If you have a license you can operate the radios
Valley Camp, WA JOTA/JOTI 2013 Schedule
- Activities are for October 19th and 20th
- Where: Valley Camp, North Bend WA; Register here: http://valleycamp.org
- When: Check in and set up camp: Saturday, 19th 8:00am – Area covered, Dress warm. Bring Lunch. Possible to camp overnight; but Demonstrations break up about 4:00pm
Scout Information: http://www.11scouts.org/Pages/default.aspx click on JOTA http://www.arrl.org/jamboree-on-the-air-jota
JOTA Back Ground: http://www.scouting.org/jota/operators_guides.aspx
Boys and Girls Groups welcome
CQ CQ CQ This is Valley Camp JOTA N7W calling CQ CQ CQ for you
Calling all Cubs, Boy Scouts and Scout Ham Operators—Don’t miss it
Plans are to set up radio stations with different antennas and power supplies to help scouts get on the air and contact other scouts JOTA stations on multiple frequencies and modes and experience different rig set ups. Scouts will use:
- HF, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m phone and CW, PSK
- Winlink / DRats, APRS
- UHF / VHF simplex, repeater, IRLP
- DStar simplex, repeater and reflector REF033A
- Demo of CW, APRS, echo link, CW kit and Electrical measurements
- Games: Fox Hunt, Scavenger Hunt and others
- Loaner radios will be available if you have a license.
- Issaquah ARES will have their Emergency Trailer set up and active.
The Valley Camp JOTA Special Event call is “N7W & Valley Camp JOTA 2013 N7W calling” Keep contact log; plan on sending QSL cards.
- Check in and set up 8-9 AM
- Open by 10:00am
- Lunch at 12 noon (bring it with you)\
- FCC test 2:30pm
- Power Down at 5:pm
- Some scouts will stay overnight and you can also if you like.
Contact: Horace_Hamby_N7DRW [email protected]