Troop 151

Scouting in (and out) of Seattle

More Cub Scout and Boy Scout Merit Badge opportunities in Seattle

April 07, 2014 By: Kevin Category: Events, Merit Badge

Here are some great opportunities for Seattle Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts to get some of your merit badge requirements met right here in the city.  These opportunities change or are only available annually, to be sure to check their websites or contacts for updated details.

  1. Inventing : over 500 tech geeks garage tinkerers and inventors were at the Mini Maker Faire at the EMP march 22 & 23…you can complete req 1,2,4,6a,8 and 9 while attending and be inspired to invent!  Make sure you look ahead for next year…
  2. Golf: Interbay Golf is said to free lessons for your swing.  Be sure to call ahead for details: 206-285-2200.
  3. Seattle public libraries Edible Garden Series classes in gardening and beekeeping started April 5th (10am-3pm).  Also, visit the downtown branch genealogy library for all the historical research resources you need.
  4. Woodcarving craft school at the Nordic Heritage Museum.  March & April Saturdays  9a-3:30p.
  5. The Gage Art Academy has youth classes and summer workshops.  They also offer free art studio time and materials on Fridays (and on Saturdays at the 2100 Building in Rainier Valley).


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