Eagle Scout Candidates
This page is to assist our Eagle scout candidates in finishing up their final requirements.
First, let me say, even though you’ll probably ignore this advice, don’t procrastinate! Most boys could easily complete all the requirements for Eagle when still 16 or younger the way that things are structured in Troop 151. Stay in the troop, take leadership roles, go to camp, and plan ahead and get the “harder” merit badges completed early and you’ll end with more time to focus on doing a really awesome Eagle project your last year and not have to worry about all the other merit badges as well. Spend 10 minutes a day on your merit badge work and it’ll all be done before you know it. Think about it!
Trail to Eagle (Aurora District, Chief Seattle Council): This page provides links to the Eagle project workbook, the reference letters form, and the Eagle scout application form.
2014-2015 Eagle Achievement Award: Pacific Medical Centers will be awarding multiple $100 to $250 grants in two cycles. Each cycle we will also allocate $750 to Mount Baker Council and $750 to the Chief Seattle Council for an annual maximum of $3,000. Award amount will be based on merit of the proposal and current funds will not be carried over.
Eagle Scout Rank Requirements: This page is part of meritbadge.org where they have very nicely organized all the info you need for every advancement and meritbadge in the Boy Scouts. Use this resource, it is a good one!
Required Eagle Scout Merit Badges:
- First Aid (Easy, do it at camp)
- Citizenship in the Community (Have to attend a community leadership meeting)
- Citizenship in the Nation (Easy)
- Citizenship in the World (Easy, do it at camp)
- Communication (Need to prepare and deliver speeches)
- Cooking (At home: Cook and serve a Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert; Outdoors: Cook 3 meals plus a snack or dessert; Hiking: Prepare and serve 2 meals plus a snack; NOTE: Each meal must be a different menu.)
- Personal Fitness (12 week fitness program with a doctor appointment before and a fitness test before and after)
- Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving (Easy, do it at camp)
- Environmental Science (Easy, do it at camp) OR Sustainability
- Personal Management (Prepare a budget and track income & expenses for 13 weeks. Several meetings with your councilor will likely be necessary.)
- Swimming (Easy, do at camp) OR Hiking OR Cycling (Easy, the troop usually does all the actual biking distances each year.)
- Camping (Easy, do it at camp)
- Family Life (List chores and do them for 90 days and record. Plan and complete a project to benefit your family. Plan and complete a project that involves the participation of your family. Plan and carry out a family meeting.)