Troop 151

Scouting in (and out) of Seattle

Xylem Water Filters

March 05, 2014 By: Kevin Category: General

MIT just came out last month with a paper that discusses how a piece of tree branch could be used as a very effective water filter.  Thought it might be a good Boy Scout experiment to see how easy and useful this might be.  Popular Mechanics and Popular Science magazines have both published articles about this that nicely summarize the paper.

Seattle Area Eagle Scout Scholarships Available

March 05, 2014 By: Kevin Category: Eagle Scout, Scholarship

Calling all Eagle Scouts from the council (has to be a junior of senior in High School) to apply for five scholarships within Monday, March 31, 2014.
We are only accepting electronic applications (no paper applications please).

a) Endorsement letter
b) High School transcript along with the complete PDF form and send it to [email protected]

More info and application here.

Upcoming merit badge opportunities

February 10, 2014 By: Kevin Category: Events, Merit Badge

Outdoor Adventure Expo, March 1, 2014: Save the date- Scouts will have the opportunity to work on requirements for First Aid and Golf merit badges at the 2014 Outdoor Adventure Expo at CenturyLink Field Event Center. More details to come soon!

Scouting at the Microsoft Store, January-June: Earn your Computers merit badge at the Microsoft Store in 2014! Hurry before this badge is retired! The program is free, sign up online here.

Geology Merit Badge Day at the Burke, May 31, 2014: Boy Scouts only (grades 5-12). Fee: $18 per Scout, with an accompanying adult admitted free. Online youth registration required, no walk-ins. Registration will open in mid-April through the Chief Seattle Council events page.

Alaska Airlines Aviation Day, May 10, 2014: Aviation Day 2014 will provide the opportunity for high school-aged young adults to learn firsthand about career paths in the aviation industry. Space is limited and registration will open in April. Keep an eye on the eTotem or the council Facebook page for more info.

Law Merit Badge Day, June 27, 2014: Earn your law merit badge at the Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent. Play video games before you come! This event is limited to 60 high school Scouts, first class or above. Registration will open through the Chief Seattle Council events page in April.

Robotics Webinar

October 24, 2013 By: Kevin Category: Events, Merit Badge

Friday, October 25 at 7pm to 8pm

This webinar will cover the requirements for the Robotics Merit Badge.

Registration Link: Robotics Merit Badge Webinar


Aurora District Merit Badge Fair – Final Info

October 17, 2013 By: Kevin Category: BSA News, Events, Merit Badge

Check out the flyer

Saturday, October 26th, 2013: Registration starts at 8:30am
Classes run from 9am-1pm (Please be there by 12:45 to pick up Scouts)
Location: LDS Shoreline Stake; 102 N 132nd Street; Seattle, WA 98133
RSVP if you plan to attend at: [email protected]

Badges offered: Inventing, Family Life, citizenship in the World, Robotics, Scouting Heritage, Reading, Scholarship, Woodcarving, Inset Study, First Aid, Engineering, Traffic Safety, Bugling, Athletics,

Adult training offered: Merit Badge Counselor Training, BSA rules & Procedures, Youth Protection Training


Jamboree on the Air and Internet

October 12, 2013 By: Kevin Category: Events, Merit Badge

Scout JOTA 2013 invite flyer

Jamboree on the Air and Internet Contact Scouts Locally & Globally by Radio & Internet.

  • Use your Radio License and pick up patches.
  • GAMES: Fox and Scavenger Hunts & Geocaching
  • Learn about Radio and Emergency Preparedness
  • Learn about Nova, STEM Merit Badges and Awards
  • Get ready and you can take the FCC test or get signed off on MB
  • If you have a license you can operate the radios

Valley Camp, WA JOTA/JOTI 2013 Schedule

  • Activities are for October 19th and 20th
  • Where: Valley Camp, North Bend WA; Register here:
  • When: Check in and set up camp: Saturday, 19th 8:00am – Area covered, Dress warm. Bring Lunch. Possible to camp overnight; but Demonstrations break up about 4:00pm

Scout Information: click on JOTA
JOTA Back Ground:

Boys and Girls Groups welcome
CQ CQ CQ This is Valley Camp JOTA N7W calling CQ CQ CQ for you
Calling all Cubs, Boy Scouts and Scout Ham Operators—Don’t miss it

Plans are to set up radio stations with different antennas and power supplies to help scouts get on the air and contact other scouts JOTA stations on multiple frequencies and modes and experience different rig set ups. Scouts will use:

  • HF, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m phone and CW, PSK
  • Winlink / DRats, APRS
  • UHF / VHF simplex, repeater, IRLP
  • DStar simplex, repeater and reflector REF033A
  • Demo of CW, APRS, echo link, CW kit and Electrical measurements
  • Games: Fox Hunt, Scavenger Hunt and others
  • Loaner radios will be available if you have a license.
  • Issaquah ARES will have their Emergency Trailer set up and active.

The Valley Camp JOTA Special Event call is “N7W & Valley Camp JOTA 2013 N7W calling” Keep contact log; plan on sending QSL cards.

  • Check in and set up 8-9 AM
  • Open by 10:00am
  • Lunch at 12 noon (bring it with you)\
  • FCC test 2:30pm
  • Power Down at 5:pm
  • Some scouts will stay overnight and you can also if you like.

Contact: Horace_Hamby_N7DRW [email protected]

Merit Badge Fair More Info

October 12, 2013 By: Kevin Category: Events, Merit Badge

Merit Badge fair 2013 flyer

Saturday, October 26th, 2013
Registration starts at 8:30am
Classes run from 9am-1pm (Please be there by 12:45 to pick up Scouts)
Location: LDS Shoreline Stake, 102 N 132nd Street, Seattle, WA 98133

Please RSVP if you plan to attend at: [email protected]
(RSVP’s are not mandatory as there will be onsite registration as well on Saturday morning
but it would be helpful to know approximately how many are coming.)

  • Bring your own snacks and water bottle!
  • Dress in full Uniform
  • Bring Blue Cards with Scout Master Signature
  • Bring worksheets as needed and read the requirements for your badge before you go.
  • Bring pen, paper and other necessary supplies as needed.

New this year

  • Adult Leadership Skills and Training.
    • How to be a Merit Badge Counselor, sign up and register today, learn the rules and responsibilities.
    • Youth Protection Training
    • Parents, Merit Badge Counselors, Scout Leaders, everyone welcome. Get Certified today!

Want to volunteer? Contact Lisa Puddy – [email protected]
Questions? Contact Lisa or Darcy Niedermeyer – [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there!!

As of today – Merit Badges offered. Might add more later.

  • Bugling (must already have Bugling skills) (session 1&2)
  • Engineering (partial) (session 1&2)
  • First Aid (partial) (session 1&2)
  • Insect Study (session 1&2)
  • Reading (session 1)
  • Robotics (session 1&2)
  • Scholarship (session 2)
  • Woodworking (session 1&2)
  • Scouting Heritage (session 1&2)
  • Energy


Merit Badge Fair

October 01, 2013 By: Kevin Category: Announcement, Events, Merit Badge

Saturday, October 26th, 2013 8:30 am to 1 pm

Open to all Boys Scouts in any Troop.

Shoreline Stake, 102 N 132nd St, Seattle, WA 98133

The event is in the planning stage. Merit badges to be offered will be announced soon.

Philatelic Exhibition

October 01, 2013 By: Kevin Category: Announcement, Events

Tukwila Community Center, 12424 42nd Ave S, Seattle, WA 98168

November 1-3, 2013

Boy Scout Workshop is from 10AM to 3PM, admission is free.
Prizes and youth activities every day.

New Requirements for Eagle Scout Jan 1, 2014

October 01, 2013 By: Kevin Category: Announcement, Eagle Scout, Merit Badge

Sustainability and Cooking merit badges will join the list of Eagle-required merit badges over the next months. Sustainability, a new merit badge, will join Environmental Science as an Eagle Scout option . Cooking, meanwhile, will become Eagle-required as of Jan. 1, 2014. The total number of merit badges required for the Eagle Scout Award will remain at 21. In other words, instead of 12 Eagle required badges and 9 elective badges, a Scout must earn 13 Eagle-required and 8 elective badges.
Current list of Eagle-required merit badges. Earn a total of 21 merit badges, including the following:

  • First Aid
  • Citizenship in the Community
  • Citizenship in the Nation
  • Citizenship in the World
  • Communication
  • Personal Fitness
  • Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
  • Environmental Science
  • Personal Management
  • Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
  • Camping
  • Family Life

List of Eagle-required merit badges, effective Jan. 1, 2014. Earn a total of 21 merit badges, including the following:

  • First Aid
  • Citizenship in the Community
  • Citizenship in the Nation
  • Citizenship in the World
  • Communication
  • Personal Fitness
  • Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
  • Environmental Science OR Sustainability
  • Personal Management
  • Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
  • Camping
  • Family Life
  • Cooking

More info on the Chief Seattle Council website