Boy Scout Electronics and Radio MB course
Scouts and Leaders: there is a Boy Scout Electronics, and Radio Merit Badge Training course at the Lake Washington Technical Institute on Saturday April 13th, 9 am to 6:00pm. The Electronics Merit Badge will be presented in the Morning and the Radio Merit Badge in the afternoon.
This material will be covered by groups of 10 scouts moving between 5 learning tables in the morning and 5 different learning tables in the afternoon. Parents and or group /troop leaders can tag along for their team fun. These tables are “cool;” featuring electronic kits building, wireless uses, electronic principals, solar power, battery operations, careers and much more. You will see and use handheld radios, repeaters, digital radios and have a radio talk time of 10 minutes. All of this is fun and happens at the “speed of light”. These relate to STEM subjects in school and colleges love-em, just like they love scout background and Amateur licenses.
And there is more, Radio, Electronics and Electricity Merit Badges fits the STEM / NOVA Crunch , Whoosh and Start your Engine Program. Most of the Electricity Merit Badge is covered during the day. Merit Badge counselors will be on site to help; but it is your responsibility to fill out the paper work and any prep work or follow up.
So come and get started and be on your way to the big STEM Merit Badge SWEEP and on target for the Supernova Award.
Amateur radio operators, “HAMS”, will be the event coaches; a lot of these will be Scouts and Scouter’s that have their FCC Amateur License. You will see their new Scout Uniform RADIO OPERATOR strip patch. That day, you can even get one of these too!!!
Well as a last event of the day the FCC Amateur test will be given for Scouts, participants, parents and Leaders if you want to take it; you get the official BSA strip with a successful test. Merit Badges earned that day will be via your next court of honor.
But wait!!! that is not all!!! THERE is MORE, Later this year there will be more fun events: balloon launch, Scout nets on Repeaters, GPS games, talk around the world, JOTA campout, and maybe a contact with the International Space Station.
OK, here is what you do to get in this deal: This is the link to sign up. course:
The $25 fee is for kits and FCC tests. Scouts are to bring their own lunch / drinks. All links to materials required are given at sign up. STEM / NOVA info:
This class will cut off at 60.
Any Questions? Direct them to:
Phil Sohn, K7APS, [email protected]
Horace Hamby, N7DRW, [email protected]
Dave Wickert, AE7TD, [email protected] or [email protected]