Our troop could not run without some very essential volunteer leadership! Please consider taking on one of these roles or helping out the person currently in that role, to make their burden lighter. And give them plenty of appreciation!
Current Volunteer: Bob Brotherson
Current Status: Ready to train a replacement
Description of Role: Provides overall leadership for the troop. Guides scout leaders in their various roles. Attends meetings and outings.
Assistant Scoutmaster
Current Volunteer: Mark Lunde
Current Status: Unknown
Description of Role: Supports the Scoutmaster
Current Volunteer: Pat Lunde
Current Status: Unknown
Description of Role: Tracks all troop funds. Ensures that appropriate dues and fees for outings/events are paid by each family.
Community Service Coordinator
Current Volunteer: Open
Current Status: Unknown
Description of Role: Discovers community service opportunities for the troop and coordinates the event for the scouts.
Current Volunteer: Kevin Tucker
Current Status: Looking for assistant
Description of Role: Maintains and administers the troop website, making it available as a communication tool for the Scoutmaster and other leaders. Currently based on WordPress, making most upgrades as easy as just pressing a button. Continue to look for additional plugins or themes to make the site better and more user friendly. Work on connecting the site to the latest connectivity tools like Facebook, Twitter, etc.