Help at Pack 301 Cub Scout Carnival
Title: Help at Pack 301 Cub Scout Carnival
Location: St. Matthew’s Gymnasium
Link out: Click here
Description: Please be on time and in uniform to help run the carnival events for the Pack so that the Pack parents can have a meeting for new parents.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2009-9-20
End Time: 20:30
Hello fellow scouters.
In dire need of some direction. Our Pack has been tasked to run a district carnival. No restrictions levied. We have many questions.
1Where and how do you start? How much lead time do we need to pull this off ? What events did you choose ? What was your theme ?
Any help in direction and process would help.
Thank you
Yours in Scouting
You can contact George at [email protected], the pack leader at Cub Scout Pack #301 for details on this. They organize all of it, our boy scout troop just goes to lend a hand at running the activities while the adults are in their informational meeting.