Merit Badge Fair More Info
Saturday, October 26th, 2013
Registration starts at 8:30am
Classes run from 9am-1pm (Please be there by 12:45 to pick up Scouts)
Location: LDS Shoreline Stake, 102 N 132nd Street, Seattle, WA 98133
Please RSVP if you plan to attend at: [email protected]
(RSVP’s are not mandatory as there will be onsite registration as well on Saturday morning
but it would be helpful to know approximately how many are coming.)
- Bring your own snacks and water bottle!
- Dress in full Uniform
- Bring Blue Cards with Scout Master Signature
- Bring worksheets as needed and read the requirements for your badge before you go.
- Bring pen, paper and other necessary supplies as needed.
New this year
- Adult Leadership Skills and Training.
- How to be a Merit Badge Counselor, sign up and register today, learn the rules and responsibilities.
- Youth Protection Training
- Parents, Merit Badge Counselors, Scout Leaders, everyone welcome. Get Certified today!
Want to volunteer? Contact Lisa Puddy – [email protected]
Questions? Contact Lisa or Darcy Niedermeyer – [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there!!
As of today – Merit Badges offered. Might add more later.
- Bugling (must already have Bugling skills) (session 1&2)
- Engineering (partial) (session 1&2)
- First Aid (partial) (session 1&2)
- Insect Study (session 1&2)
- Reading (session 1)
- Robotics (session 1&2)
- Scholarship (session 2)
- Woodworking (session 1&2)
- Scouting Heritage (session 1&2)
- Energy